Ribosome simulations, riboswitch simulations, riboswitch and non-coding RNA biochemistry. High performance computing and molecular dynamics simulations.
Riboswitch biochemistry and simulations.
Professor, Weil Medical College of Cornell University. Single Molecule FRET studies of ribosomes and membrane proteins. Cryo-EM
Professor, Charite Medical University, Berlin, Germany. Directory, Institut für Medizinische Physik und Biophysik. Cryo-EM
Professor, Rice University. Director Center for Theoretical Biological Physics. Protein folding, RNA folding.
Professor, UCSD Biochemistry.
Theoretical Biology and Biophysics, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory. RNA modeling and folding, structural biology
Faculty, Northeastern University.
Faculty, NYU Abu Dhabi.
Project Leader, Max Plank Inst. Gottingen, Germany.
Faculty, Marquette University.
Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Faculty, JFK Medical Center, New Jersey, USA.